Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Day Two: We Baked Bread and Made Butter!

First, we mixed the yeast with sugar and water. We let it rest for 5 minutes.
Then we mixed in salt and flour.  

Next, we made little rolls, and chanted squish, squish, roll, squish, squish, roll.

We put our rolls in the crock pot.

After 90 minutes, the bottom is brown and crunchy, but the top is white. 

Later, we made butter by shaking heavy cream for about 20 minutes. 

Day One: Planting Basil Seeds

We planted some seeds, with a parent helper, Mrs. Dorsey. We want to measure the plants and watch them grow over time.

Transformers Cash!

We've developed a currency system in our classroom. Excellent behavior earns 'transformer cash'.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Welcome to Room 121! We are the Transformers!

Let's meet the teaching team: Mr. Jon is our lead teacher.

Ms Vicky is our assistant teacher.

Ms. Janielle is our high school senior teacher assistant.

Day Two: We Baked Bread and Made Butter!

First, we mixed the yeast with sugar and water. We let it rest for 5 minutes. Then we mixed in salt and flour.   Next, we made...